Oh, trial-and-error, Jackie!
There was a new poster, who asked how 'cingular' came to be transformed to 'shingles', meaning: 1. Eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia. ( medical term, right, called herpes zoster)

There was Aramis' post with a story someone wrote about a four-year old asking for Band-Aid. Where he commented on and fulminated against the form
" try and find" a Band-Aid in a rent-a-car.
I gave an answer to that one, far from priceless.( my answer, I mean)

Plus a post where I asked about a maybe different origin for the plural of the word 'shingle' (e.i. not from cingulum). I only knew the word as 'pebbles'.
1. Building material used as siding or roofing.
2. Coarse beach gravel of small water-worn stones and pebbles (or a stretch of shore covered with such gravel).
3. A small signboard outside the office of a lawyer or doctor, e.g. (still interested in an answer)

Then a priceless post of mine that was the key to the solution of all current world problems.
That one I forgot.