zm, thank you for your infinite patience. I have sent a link of this thread, to my excellent No. 1 Son, who might translate it for me. And I do know TMI, as you will see above I provided a link that will explain it also to the uninitiated

PS: I was an electronics engineer in the days before the Web but if I described one of my inventions, eg a single pnp- or npn
transistor frequency divider containing no bistable circuitry but the R-C time constant in its base depending on conduction of the base-emitter junction at the peak of a pulse, polarity depending on the type of transistor, charging the coupling capacitor between the occurrence of subsequent pulses and thus providing a bias to as to prevent a fixed number of subsequent occurrences from appearing at the collector; you wouldn't know what I was talking about. Patent No. supplied on request, I'm

My most sincer apologies to Fal for not having explained in sufficient detail what I mean by sublink.

But in 25 words or less could anyone possibly give me a single word for what I call sublink, that is a link curtailed, for example, so that it would occupy less space, or at least only a single line, in a post, s compared with the complete URL or link that it replaces. Usually, then, a sublink is a word or phrase almost always underlined to identify it as a kind of link so that the reader will know that he is to click on it, and as I have said, often blue in color as with the original, longer, link
