I'm not sure they are interchangeable terms because I was led to believe that a hyperlink was a special type of link addressing several sites or forums at the same time but in other respects you're way head of me although I will try your suggestions one at a time, and thank you for all that.

Well, I'd say you're wrong.

Having specialized in that sort of stuff for years, my excellent No. 1 Son, a highly paid IT, had explained all that to me but of course in my advanced state of decay I can't remember it all

You know, Dahil. I have been in IT (the field, not the person) for just over twenty years, where I have worked, professionally, as a writer, a programmer, and an instructor. If you can't remember what your son told you, why wouldn't you believe me? Or Faldage or tsuwm? A link is a hyperlink is a sausage. Link does have other meanings in the IT context: e.g., to link means to join together two or more object (binary) files (i.e., after compilation) into a single executable program, in Unix, a link (aka shortcut in Windows, alias in pre-MacOS X days) is an alternate name for a file. I've never really come across the term sublink, and think it is a Dahilian fata morgana. I've seen weblink and hotlink, both of which are pretty much synonymous with hyperlink and link.

TMI == too much information

Ceci n'est pas un seing.