Howye fokes! How is things!

Me pal, Albear Camoo, decided ta take a new direction in his writen and taught he'd try his paw at a bitta the Chick Lit what's all the rage at the minute. His furst novel in this genere called, "A Bad Hare Day", has just been published and is a right hart-renchen rollercoaster ride a emotions alltagather. It's all about a fierce vane Rooster called Roberto what falls in love with Martha, a fierce glamerous Hare what comes from the other side a the chicken wire. Romeo and Juliet was never in it with this pair, I'll tell ya, and things do be goen grand with them alltagather until the fatefull day when Roberto discovers a gray hare in his comb.

The poor fella didn't know what ta do and at furst kep the problem well hidden under his hat. Then after many sleepless nights a dispair he valiantally decided ta get some professional help. It was here that our intrepid hero was intraduced ta the murky world a hair colouren and after a soul destroyen journey through the ups and downs a highlights and lowlights, Roberto soon found himself choosen the harder option a all-out streeken.

Meanwhile, a distraught Martha didn't know what exactly was goen on with her once ardent beau and was haven her own sleepless nights a dispair wonderen if there was somethin the matter with her cos her Roberto seemed ta have a problem goen all the way. It was then that she made the daren decision ta change the colour a her own beautiful tresses. So our intrepid heroine was
also intarduced ta the murky world a hare colouren and it weren't long before she too had reached the all-out streeken phase. But was it enuff fer ta save the tainted passion a our two tint-crossed lovers?

Well, fokes after more hart-renchen sleepless nights a dispair and all that sorta stuff, I've no dout in me furry little mind that ya'll be bursten ta know the final outcome. Now, I don't want ta give too much away at this pint, but suffice ta say that, yes! yes! yes! - they eventually did go all the way and tragically they both dyed in the end.

Be seein ya
