here's one I discovered whilst searching for the usage of endochronic...

(This is a one of those alternate universe tales) Now Josie/backwards was much the same as the Josie we know and love, but with a few significant differences. While Josie is a timecop, Josie/backwards is a time-criminal (or a daybreaker as they call them over there). And often, in order to avoid being caught by her world's timecops, she slips across the bridge to our universe. Normally she'd merely stay out of sight, but she's such a humor lover that she was irresistably drawn to Callahan's on a Punday Night. The Patrons pride themselves on being a pretty observant bunch, but they didn't catch on to Josie -- until the winning pun of the night was offered. Doc Webster told such a stinker that Josie/backwards forgot herself, and the fact is that while the time cop Josie groans at great/awful puns, the outlaw Josie wails.