I wasn't going to add anything to this thread (and some will dispute whether I'm adding anything even now), but I'm in a what-the-heck kind of mood this morning.

A) I agree what Imus did was wrong.

B) he should not be fired over it - a reprimand is sufficient, given that the nature of his job is (apparently) to be offensive. (I've taking this from other posts and comments. I don't listen to the man. I dislike everybody, and as an adult, I don't need anybody to do it for me)

C) *ANYBODY* who is traumatized by an insult, especially one as broad as this one was, has a lot of growing up to do. If you don't like it, talk to the person - or his superiors - in private. Whining and crying in public over hurt feelings is for 4-year-olds in supermarket aisles.

aisles - now, there's a word that just looks wrong, no matter how many times you type it.