
Inrtraducen - Albear Camoo’s “THE INSIDER”

The innovative smokeless tabacco what let’s ya smoke inside

As discovered by Albear Camoo and

Available exclusively from the House a Ted Inc

Order now at a special intraductry price a just €19.99 per pack

With free, yes FREE match with every order over €99.99

(T & C apply, striker fer the FREE match costs €29.99 exter; for the purposes a saven the world somea the matches may be recycled and already used - but just the once)

Fer further details apply within

(warning: inflammible substance, there may be a risk of fire and subsequent smoke on ignition)

Howye fokes! How is things? Things is fierce busy here fer sure, what with the launch a our new smokeless tabacco - Albear Camoo’s “The Insider” – The smokeless tabacco what lets ya smoke inside.

Anyways, I’m not too busy fer ta go back on me promises and I told ye last week that I’d tell ye all the craic what Peig SoothSayers, the Gaelgoric misfortune teller from them bygone days of yore, and MadDogTed was haven duren the official launch a our new product - Albear Camoo’s “The Insider” – The smokeless tabacco what lets ya smoke inside. Peig was tellen MadDogTed a load a true stories about what life was like back when she was a little girl in the olden days.

One a MadDogTed’s favourites was the story about the little old widda woman what used ta live near Peig and what had ta call out the AI man fer ta service her cow. When he arrived she brung him inta the barn and told him that there was a bucket a water, soap and a towel in the corner fer him ta wash his hands. And then, as she turned ta go she sed “And there’s a hook on the back a door fer ta hang yer trousers.” No codden! And I bet that afterwards himself and the cow would a smoked Albear Camoo’s “The Insider” – The smokeless tabacco what lets ya smoke inside, if only it had been invented back then. Don’t ferget ta order yers taday.

Be seein ya
