I thought that all fears had been named, but I guess I was wrong! Here are some that have been:

agyiophobia - fear of crossing busy streets
amaxophobia - an abnormal fear of sitting or riding in a vehicle
blennophobia - a morbid fear of slime
deipnosophobia - a fear of dinner conversation
epistemophobia - the fear of knowledge
ergophobia - an abnormal fear of work
gamophobia - the fear of sexuality
gephyrophobia - a terror of crossing bridges
hagiophobia - the fear of saints [pretty rare, I'd guess]
pantophobia - the fear of everything
taphephobia - an abnormal(?) fear of being buried alive

and of course:
phobophobia - the fear of fear itself
nihilphobia - the fear of nothing

oh, and I almost forgot:
arachibutyrophobia - the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
