Milum--i knew that about bamboo--well except the hundred year part.. i thought that different bamboo's had different 'cycles' (like cicada's!) and that some bamboo live X years, all flower and die and other species live Y years.. i didn't know they all lived apx (or is it exactly?) 100 years.

but thanks for the term monocarpic. that is term i didn't know but i did know that there are many plants that are semi-perennial but realize now, they are actually monocarpic. (i think dustymiller/miller'sdaughter (common name) is one.)

this ornimental is grown for its folliage, and will live several years, but once it flowers, it dies. frequently, that is bi-annually, but if kept pruned (and dry-natural drought) it won't flower.

some of my favorite flowers were plants like daylilies and spiderwort.. both had 1 day flowers.
but months of flowers--each plant had abundant flowers, and both keep producing flower buds for a long time, even if each flower only last a day.

Last edited by of troy; 03/17/07 03:13 AM.