Bart, who has decided to divorce his parents, enters a building in which numerous law offices are held. There is a sign next to the elevator showing the company names and floors. The names are all puns, like: "Luvum & Burnham, family law" and so on—all pretty straight forward gags. However, the last one Bart points to, says:


I don't get it.

Edit: The 1 G-hit for this takes you to a German-language forum where one poster has apparently posed the same question and another explained it but, ja, it's all in German:


Ein Whodunnit ist (wie du sicher weisst) ein Krimi (who did it), deshalb versteh ich die anderen Namen als brutale Toetungsmoeglichkeiten:

hackey = hacken
Joke = choke = erdrosseln

Don't have a cow, man! [1]


[1] For best results, this should be read out loud in a thick German accent (—Hydra).

Last edited by Hydra; 02/03/07 01:41 PM.