Fal: Emptying the spam folder without first looking at its contents is a sure way to delete any false positives.

***Forgive me all to pieces but again I must not have been perfectly clear. I readily concede that I often curtail my followups so as to avoid excessive verbiage, whereupon I am misunderstood, and so I herewith apologize most profusely

***I hoped you had inferred from my last response that I would draw that very conclusion and so obviously I'd have to tolerate the drawback, though I'm immensely grateful for your warning because as a result, now before deleting I shall occasionally browse the listing before deletion en masse; whereupon if I spot a misplaced address I can forthwith drag it to another more suitable folder and then in the future make a special point to avoid inadvertently labeling such as spam, thereby permitting me to reinstate the jolly habit of emptying it all at once without necessarily scanning it in toto

..., but don't come complaining to me...

***Heavens no, why should I do that, I'm such a congenial fellow; while I want to again thank you profusely for all your enlightening, scholarly and tactful replies

***...although protocol now requires us to confine such discussions to a forum which although misnamed was kindly created by Admin especially for this purpose and is situated obscurely just after the main index entries

***Alternately, if you wish to contact me directly I am dalehileman@verizon.net and don't care who knows it
