dale, I used to think about this theological paradox a lot. I call it a state of "mutual exclusivity". Eventually, I postulated the following solution:

God (if we suppose for a moment that he exists) holds his omnipotence in a state of abeyance with respect to the acts of man, which idea resolves itself into yet another paradox: It is within God's means as an all-powerful being to create beings over whom he has (ostensibly) no power. This is the terrible gift of free-will—that man is free to do what is monstrous and abominable in God's eyes.

There are many such paradoxes. Another is the co-existence of Divine Beneficence and Omnipotence. In other words, is God free to do evil? Or are there acts of which he is morally incapable?

Evidently, it seems omnipotence preponderates over beneficence:

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
—Isaiah, 45:7

Calling all theodiceans.

Last edited by Hydra; 01/14/07 03:41 PM.