From wwftd.


grangerize v.t. illustrate, especially by interleaving, with additional pictures. grangerism, n.

I found the following titbit quite interesting.


James Granger (1723-1776)

Reverend Granger clipped over 14,000 engraved portraits from other books to use as possible illustrations for his Biographical History of England. Some of the books he pillaged were rare ones, and to make matters worse, he suggested in his preface that prvate collections like his might prove valuable someday. This resulted in an unfortunate fad called grangerizing or extra-illustration, with thousands of people mutilating fine books and stuffing pictures and other material into Granger's. Editions following the 1769 Biographical History... adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of Engraved British Heads provided blank pages for the insertion of these extra illustrations, and the book eventually expanded to six volumnes from its original two. Sets of Granger illustrated with up to 3,000 engravings were compiled, and so many early English books were ravaged that "to grangerize" came to mean the mutilation that remains the bane of librarians today.

R. Hendrickson, The Dictionary of Literary Anecdotes, 1990.

Last edited by Hydra; 11/15/06 10:40 AM.