
North Hills, Hillside, Rosalyn Heights, the town names reflect the hilly nature.

About 1 million people do drive into manhattan every day.. but NYC's (all 5 boro's) daytime population is about 15 million--its resident population is about half that (8 million or so) i don't know what percentage bikes.

The town names tell the truth of it. Thanks for clearing this up to me.

You're right, for the scale of New York I must be underestimating the
possibilities for bikes as a serious form of transport.(the limited perspective of one living in a miniature country). Subway is a great solution.
But in down town Chicago it worked fine and yet meeting an American biker who did not stick to the lake side was rare.
(And double nice)
I'don't know whether a joint effort will work to stop the damage we do to the one world that should be enough for all of us.(Sting)
Maybe to many people believe that for every damage we do there will be a technological solution. There's a new 'continent' finally getting acces to cars now too.(China) I only drive a borrowed car when I have a transport to do. I feel free as a bird not to have one any more.

Give my love to Big Apple Brian :-,)