At first I too thought the game had gotten off track, but on further scrutiny I discovered that Bran's post was actually a very clever and subtle cryptogram, in which letters are assigned a numerical value based on their ordinal place in the alphabet (A=1, B=2 ... Z=26) multiplied by the corresponding digit in the decimal train of e (2.7182818...), mod(26) and divided by pi. In this manner Bran suggested the word rabiator, whose description I was typing when you suggested glisk and which I offer below.


The rabiator (Lepus caerbannogus) was a prehistoric ancestor of the hare that arose during the Mesozoic Era, and was one of the very few species that survived into the Cenozoic Era, during which it thrived. It is widely speculated that this was due to the rabiator's long, subterranean hibernation period, which allowed sufficient numbers to survive the meteor impact that killed the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Rabiator's were known to be especially ruthless and cunning predators, and were able to bring down much larger prey. They are thought to be chiefly responsible for the extinction of the wooly mammoth.

During the middle Cenozoic Era, the rabiator diverged into two distinct species, Lepus vorpalis and Lepus americanus troglodytes. The former survived through the 5th Century but its numbers dwindled owing to a loss of habitat and a tendency towards excessive consumption of alcohol in the form of fermented carrot juice. According to Mallory, the last surviving Lepus vorpalis was killed by King Arthur with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

