please don't drop me, at least not yet, until I determine whether I'm able to change. I have to say now, Dale, that when I read Capfka's post my first impulse was to ask you to leave immediately*: his contributions here have been wonderful, and I miss him greatly. He indicated a long time ago that he didn't like the controversy that was here some time back; so he "pokes his nose in" and finds it again, and leaves again. And who is at the center of this controversy? You.
*Fortunately, I have learned at times to not follow my first impulses.

I am an extremely patient person, but the decision of a friend to leave has put me pretty much to the end of my limit. At the moment, I am willing to believe that you are not deliberately trying to cause trouble; perhaps you simply didn't believe how serious the requests were; not just in this thread but in other threads and PM's, too. I am also willing for now to believe that you really do have difficulties in remembering. But I am strongly suggesting to you that you find some way to remember what not only others, but you yourself, have said. You repeatedly bring up what others have asked you not to; you repeat questions that have already been answered. I am also of the belief that you do not wish to be an annoyance. So--please try to keep some sort of record you can refer to, since according to several of your posts your mind isn't adequate for this. Possibly you could limit yourself to participating in just one board; make yourself some notes; do something, whatever it is. Several people here have gone to a good deal of trouble to accommodate you and your questions; it would be really nice if you could try and accommodate them.