Ah, Jackie, thank you for sneaking in while I was creating my reply! Perhaps first or current customer is what we are looking at, and palate rather than plate (thanks, tsuwm)

Part of the frustration (and fascination) in reviewing very old periodicals is the difference in how words were used one hundred or more years ago. Many questions have come up as to if a word is a typo or not, especially since none of us are specialists in the field of words (past or present).

We are creating a searchable database of periodical articles (or the relevant parts) many of us have found in our research. Many times we are working from copies of copies and/or copies of microfiche.

And for more information on the insulator hobby, please visit www.insulators.com!

Perhaps I will come back with more unsolved mysteries later!

thanks again, and keep those cards and letters coming! :-)