Perhaps the feudal "armed man" corresponds in some way to an L.A. gangsta. However, I was talking about musical recycling methods, not content.

L'homme, l'homme, l'homme armé,
L'homme armé
L'homme armé doibt on doubter, doibt on doubter.
On a fait partout crier,
Que chascun se viengne armer
D'un haubregon de fer.

The man, the man, the armed man,
The armed man
The armed man should be feared, should be feared.
Everywhere it has been proclaimed
That each man shall arm himself
With a coat of iron mail.

Take cover son or you're assed-out
How do you like my chrome then I
watched the rookie pass out
Didn't have to blast him
but I did anyway
That young punk had to pay
So I just killed a man
Here is something you can't understand
How I could just kill a man

dona nobis pacem