ideas can become 'contaminated'.(and word and symbols can become associated with ideas, and suffer contamination too.

the broken cross was used by various cultures, with various meaning for milenium.

but since the 1930's, when it became know as a swaztica, it took on a new, and very specific meaning. (a very negitive one)

i recognize when i see ancient artifacts decorated with broken crosses/swazticas, that the design has nothing to do with nazi's--in this context, i see it as a neutral symbol
but i don't general find the same symbol to be neutral in a modern setting.-its its still being used in a negative context. (and while WWII predate my living memory, i know many WWII veterains, and grew up very conscous of the meaning of the symbol)

what ever its roots, aryan, too is a work that has a long history, but for the past 70 years, it has been tarnished.

will the word return to a more general meaning. i suppose, in time.