I have enjoyed the PBS "Jazz" series, and as someone who has heard this information in many forms in the past, it is refreshing to see it, as well as listen to it. It is interesting to hear (second hand) that the "fools" on public radio gave this show a "less than good" review, probably for the same reason I don't listen to them often (a bit pretentious and pseudo...a lot of things).

As for "squanking and honking"... these are the sounds that some souls need for catharsis. At least it responds (somehow) to repetition(Hi Marty).

Jackie - Does the name come from the actual grass variety? Is it specifically from Kentucky? I'm with you all the way on the toe tappin' challenge - but "double-dog dare", whew, that's even futher than our "double dare" - Where does the dog come from - fit in - do - what kind of dog?