

… the essence of "time" is it's "progression" …

Parm my beg to differmints but that "progression" is purely linguistic and is derived from our conception of time. It has nothing to do with time's nature.

Didn't we once have this same discussion in a wild and weird clime, that lieth sublime, out of space, out of time?

Well, if so, Faldo, it didn't take, so repeat after me...

To conceptulize is to lingualize and any "nature" that can't be conceptualized has no meaning. For example if I say, "time is nondirectional" then "time" must stop being "time" because the concept "static time" will then become a semantical absence of the essense of "time" which is "change", and that would be linguistically confusing.

A "change" must start at one point of being and then become another.
The direction of the movement in four dimensional space of "change" is inconsequential,backwards or forwards will serve equally well, but all "change" must be progressive and this progression we all agree to call "time".
