Dearest Max! Thank you, thank you, for putting that there! I just chortled all the way through it! Yes, I know that song very well. I've seen Bill Monroe and the
Bluegrass Boys perform several times, at the annual
Bluegrass Music Festival here in town.

Overall, I prefer the instrumental bluegrass tunes, simply because more players than not do it for love of the music, not because they have good voices. And yes, Bill sings in
true-blue Kentucky twang. Not all that pleasant, but it is
real--a true reflection of what and who we are, so I don't mind it (too much). The instrumental pieces: I double-dog
dare ANYbody to keep their toes from tappin' to the beat!
We'd sit in the sun all day at these festivals, cooler with
appropriate beverages at our side, and go home well after dark with hands and throats sore from clapping and "hollering". This was two girlfriends and me, and we got to know some of the bands rather well.

Aside: Years ago when we were young and Faldage-I-mean-foolish, we went to a costume party where a friend "wore"
the most unusual costume I've ever seen: He had a 2" square
cut out of the seat of his jeans, giving a view of his
underwear-less, blue-painted backside--he had come as
Blue Moon of Kentucky!