Now confound it, you guys! Of COURSE I didn't think KY was the only state with one subscriber: better watch it, or you may wind up being the only octopus with seven tentacles. My uncle on the farm had a colorful saying when someone wanted the last biscuit or piece of chicken: if someone reached for it, they were going to "draw back a nub". And just for the record, I don't like jazz, either.

And as to Anu's state: he is in an exalted state, and when I think of him, I am in a state of exaltation!
Speaking of people from India, I read an article yesterday by a gentleman who has been there many times, and he asked himself: "What is it that makes India so different?...
It was the worldview these people lived by and projected in their daily activities, their hands held together in greeting to assert that you and I are one, in the belief that this world is maya--illusion."