about 6 years ago, I took a multi-disciplinary course through the anthropology department at a major southern university, that examined the various landfills around the town in which it was located; yes, 'garbology' in action... we were grad students from the departments of law, anthro, urban planning, ecology sciences, etc. Each of us looked at various aspects of the history of 'dumping' in our town and we came up with some really interesting stuff: landfill location as social INjustice, nuclear waste (from the school of medicine) as well as reports of stray body parts, effects on the water table, university vs. town power struggles, cover-ups (no pun intended)of some, ummm, things that smelled to high heaven; hey, it was all there, just like looking at pot shards in the desert, only better. The history of garbology is really fun: for example, in very early Boston, when city leaders decided the streets were becoming too filled with trash, manure, etc., they passed a law to clean it up - by sweeping it all into the Bay. Imagine what future generations will find to laugh about (or grimace) when they look back at us.