
W. Rathje's term for the scientific study of the refuse of a modern society; the investigation of material discarded by a society considered as an aspect of social science.

1976 National Rev. (U.S.) 6 Feb. 70/2 The..theory behind this garbageology is that if we can learn about ancient peoples by studying their garbage, we can learn even more about present society the same way. 1976 Telegraph (Brisbane) 14 July 30/2, he [sc. Dr. Rathje] believes, a social science. 1979 Truck & Bus Transportation Jan. 22 (heading) A quick course in advanced garbology. 1982 Times 12 Feb. 17/1 I'm always looking for truth about mankind and its creations, says William Rathje, a professor of garbology, with a Ph.D in anthropology. Rathje and his team search the garbage dumps of the United States... Rathje, who works at a ‘garbage pavilion’ in Tucson, hopes to start a museum of garbology.

[OED2 © 1989]

garbage + -ology -- I can see parallel development, but this seems to specifically pinpoint it.

edit: added copyright info

Last edited by tsuwm; 04/25/06 04:31 PM.