WARNING - Potentially controversial! Be aware I am anti the phrase, not the nationality!

A friend from college nearly goes into seizures when she hears the "oi" dipthong...

This brings to mind immediately the warcry of the home team in the Olympics 'Aussie Aussie Aussie - oi oi oi!' As a non-native living in Sydney, this makes me cringe internally.
'Oi' is to me such an ugly exclamation, conjuring up images of angry, incoherent red-faced men who can't be bothered to remember your name but need your attention this very minute for something which is important to them but you know nothing at all about and have nothing to do with anyway. (yes, I have two particular men in mind!)
I suspect I have stronger mental associations than many, but still I can't understand why Australians would want their country to be associated with such a yobbish chant.