The state of NJ still has dry counties, and it has very high taxes on liquor in those counties that are wet-- some jersey residents have taken to driving to Maryland to by liquor cheaper. Its not illegal to do, if you then notify NJ tax authority and pay the extra tax (yeah, right!)

So NJ started to send "spy's" to the liquor stores near the border, and write down the plate numbers, and or follow NJ residents home-- as they crossed the border, they would be stopped-- and assessed the taxes on the spot in the form of a fine.

So, NJ residents started to drive from Maryland to Pennsylvania and then to NJ. the longer route made it almost impossbile for cops to track them--So the Jersey cops started to stop NJ drivers as they left Maryland, and entered PA. PA Attorney General put a stop to it, (only permitted for NJ cops to arrest in PA if they are in "Hot Pursuit".)

State of Maryland had no comment. all this occured about 10 years ago-- NJ residents still drive to Maryland to buy liquor.

Some people don't realize that South Jersey is the northern edge of the bible belt!