(Conscience, get thee behind me.)

Jackie - Reminds me of the preacher's wife who came home with a new dress.
"I couldn't resist the temptation," the wife said.
"You should have told the devil to get behind you," said the Preacher.
"I did, dear, but the Devil told me 'It looks lovely from the back, too'"

In New Hampshire, 1973 I think, the state legislature lowered the drinking age from 21 to 18. After a couple of years the 21-to-drink was reinstated and there it stays.

NH also has state controlled liquor. The prices, should you be in the neighborhood, are VERY reasonable.

The state in days past was big on painting things a deep green, including the doors of the State Liquor Stores.

Now, here's one more bit of info which I will tie in, your honor, if you'll grant me a litle leeway.

During Prohibition liquor could be legally obtained for "medical reasons" with a prescription from an MD.

The natural outcome of these seemingly unrelated items is that a run to the liquor store in New Hampshire is often euphemistically called "a trip to see Doc Green."
It keeps the Johnny-come-latelys confused.