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how different languages form acronyms - any experience people have in other languages with this?

This is a very productive method of word formation in Indonesian. I've mentioned warnet (warung internet internet kiosk) before. Most provinces and some smaller administrative districts have official acronyms: I live in Jaksel (Jakarta Selatan = South Jakarta, and work in Jakpus (Jakarta Pusat = Central Jakarta). Batagor = bakso dan tahu goreng (fried meat or fish balls and tofu) is a popular snack.

Initialisms are also popular, such as the slang term ABG anak baru gede newly big child = someone in their late teens.

Bureaucrats love them. I sometimes think they must spend half their time dreaming up acronymic titles for themselves, such as Kakanwil Kepala kantor wilayah = head of regional office.

Numbers can also be used in initialisms, e.g., P4D Panitia Penyelesaian Perselisihan Perburuhan Daerah Local Committee for the Resolution of Labour Disputes (or as Enigma would have it: Panned peony Persephone perceivable Daffodil (and they said poetry was dead!)).

