
No luck yet, but you all are certainly informative. Thanks. p.

here's some more stuff mostly unrelated to your question:
-although pollex is sometimes applied to the big toe as well as the thumb, the distinctive term for that is hallux.

-pollex is also defined (by W3) as a unit of length equal to one inch -- used formerly in descriptions of invertebrate animals

-although these terms are used mostly in Anat. contexts, here's an actual literary usage of pollex:
She clutched her bag between index and pollex. - Anthony Burgess, MF

-pollical - Of or pertaining to the pollex or thumb
(pollically indexed?)

-pollicate - [Zool.] having thumbs

and, of course, desuperpollicate.

-in case you were wondering, pollicitate is completely unrelated, meaning the action of promising (fr. L. pollicitari, to promise)

Last edited by tsuwm; 01/14/06 07:25 PM.