Of course this made me think about the water of life, whisk(e)y, and I'm reminded of the story of Seamus, who is lying on his deathbed. He calls for Michael, his oldest and dearest friend.

"Michael," wheezed Seamus, "I'm close to breathing me last, but before I go I have a dying wish that I'd like you to fulfil."

Michael, with tears streaming down his face, says, "Seamus, for you my oldest friend, I'll do anything."

Seamus smiled. "I knew I could count on you. Under me pillow is an unopened bottle of Bushmills 16-year old malt. When I'm gone from this world, could you sprinkle it over me grave?

Michael pauses. "Of course I can, Seamus, but would it be all right with you if I filtered it through me kidneys first?"