chocolate cake, yes, yum yum.

but plain chocolate? i have no real interest. my chocolate chips (stored in a lightproof, air tight container, in a cool place) all get a bloom of cocoa butter before i use them up.

(otherwise, it Baker's unsweetened, and semi-sweet, and now even Baker's White choclate in the cabinet with baking supplies, quietly waiting for their chance to be incorporated into brownies or cake (complete with ganache filling, chocolate frosting, (and often, garnished with blanced almonds, dipped in chocolate) --i realy like chocolate chocolate cake!
(i like a nice mole sauce too,)
unsweetend chocolate, chunked, with a small quanity of suger, and a tablespoon of cocoa powder in a blender, becomes wonder hot chocolate with the addition of boiling water, (no milk or cream) the blender makes the chocoate nice and frothy..