>>>But today we also know that words are changelings; flighty things, unstable things, things that are made from ethereal stuff, rather than exacting things cut deep in stone.

You know what I've learned from being here so long...this sentence is true.

It seems that words migrate in meanings over the years. A word can have meant a very definite thing in the past, and now, means something completely different, sometimes even the opposite of the orginal meaning. The word "NICE" is a good example. (I won't go into the different definitions that it had over the years, we've discussed it here before at length, so no point in having a YART)

So, if you all had to look at it, would you say that the intent/meaning of the sentence that started "We, the people..." has changed from when it was written those 200+ years ago.

I've not read your declaration of independance so can't really voice an opinion, but there are plenty of U.S.ners on Board, so I thought I'd ask.

(Ooops, should this have been in Q&A??? )