Windows offers several accesability options.

go to the start button
then select Control Panel from the list of options

the control panel offers ACCESSABILITY OPTIONS

one option allow you to increase font/window/icon size.. another option allows for a magnifying 'window' place that window on top of any other window and it magnifies it.

in addition, there are 3rd party software packages for vision and for other accessabiltiy issues.

ECH you are not the first or last person here to need or use these options. --nor are you by anymeans the oldest person here! I recommend you read the hints for newcomers and the FAQ --both will provide you with tips and tricks to navigate here, and on other sites.

several are designed for the total computer illiterate.. (surprize your grandson and do a little magic.. when he asks, "howja do that?" smile and explain your not an old dog, and you are quite capable of learning some new tricks!)