
As promised, I have researched the word, 'zinzulation'. I consulted OED2, W2, W3, The Barnhard Dictionary of New English (BDNE) (1993, I think), The Encarta Dictionary of World English--an ordurous task, but I was desperate--, and a diverse handful of books offering collections of rare, exotic, and esoteric words for the verbevore and the epeolater. None of these sources list any form of 'zinzulation'.

This does not mean that this term is not a word. It just means that if it is being used at all, it hasn't caught on enough to catch the notice of the lexicographers. If you are in earnest to find out more about this locution, I would suggest you write a letter to Merriam-Webster's Language Research Dept. asking if they have any citations for this word in their files. They should be able to help, if the word has any currency at all. An e-mail will often do, although a paper letter sent by snail mail should assure you of a carefully researched response. The address is:

Language Research Service
P.O. Box 281
Springfield, MA 01102

I hope this helps.