Hi everybody.

I got a new puppy about four weeks ago - a sweet Basset hound called Hercule Poirot.

Well, it seems we actually got a cow, who likes to eat grass and shrubs and anything leafy, instead of a dog.

So, I went into the pet shop to get some dog repellent to spray onto what is left of my house plants. In French, I asked the girl in the shop if she had some "push-push" repellent for dogs.

The term "push-push" is often used to describe anything that is in aerosol form. I remember my Mom used to say before leaving the house, "Wait I have to comb my hair and put a little push-push."

So, we seem to have adopted the sound the aerosol makes when it comes out of the can, to describe the the product.

Off the top of my head, I couldn't think of anything similar in English. Does anything come to your mind?