Yeah - to and from. Plus the monthly "service" fees, etc. What a rip off, eh? My parents are the only ones who have my mobile number, and I keep it turned off most of the time. It's supposed to be for emergencies (in my case, I am a single woman living alone and go on longer driving trips) so I see no need to keep it on, anyway. It did come in handy when I was looking for a friend's house in the dark one cold winter morning (she needed a ride to work and I couldn't remember the address; phone number obtained from directory assistance 411 and there she was, two houses down from where I was calling!).
I call the people I really want to talk long-distance to on the weekends from my mobile; unlimited long-distance (toll calls) makes it much cheaper than the land-line phone.

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? -Ursula K. Le Guin, author (1929- )