Welcome, hollisr.

Others who know more about word origins than I do will be along shortly, I'm sure.

In the meantime, the word for "goodwill" in Spanish is "voluntad" [or "buena voluntad"].

Here is a "Voluntad" based in Barcelona which does not appear to be affiliated with any religious organization and which performs good works on behalf of the disadvantaged in "the fourth world" ["cuarto mundo"].

Buena Voluntad En Accion*


* Although Alta Vista translates "goodwill" as "voluntad" in Spanish, this organization is called "Buena Voluntad" which presumably translates as "good volunteerism" rather than "good goodwill".

The Italian word for "goodwill" is "benevolenza" which is interesting because we can see the connection between "good" and "voluntary" again.

Of course, "benevolenza" is very close to our word "benevolent". In fact, Merriam-Webster defines "benevolent" [see defn. 2 below] as "marked by goodwill":

Main Entry: be·nev·o·lent
Pronunciation: -l&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin benevolent-, benevolens, from bene + volent-, volens, present participle of velle to wish -- more at WILL
1 a : marked by or disposed to doing good <a benevolent donor> b : organized for the purpose of doing good <a benevolent society>
2 : marked by or suggestive of goodwill <benevolent smiles>
