a) a Polynesian bridal wrap [belM]

b) a type of lighting filter used in movie-making; it enables the filming of evening outdoor scenes in bright daylight. [Sparteye] musick

c) a lizard-like undersea monster prevalent in the Old Icelandic eddas. [ASp] maverick (I think)

d) describes a solid which when struck with sufficient force will break into smaller rounded pieces; tempered glass and some aggregate stones said to be iggri. [Zed] belM, wofa, WO’N

e) the metal fitting joining a pencil and its eraser [Fiberbabe] ElizabethC, Zed

f) a riding jacket, worn in India; analogous to jodhpurs. [wofa]

g) [intj.] Hurry up! also as n. in phrase to get an iggri on. [the usually reliable OED-online]

h) apophatic [Bingley]

i) archaic the habitual domination of conversation by a boor [tsuwm]

j) a tool used to remove stones from sheep's hooves; from the Basque word for "fingers." [Faldage] Coffeebean, Sparteye, F’babe

k) to move slowly, often as a manifestation of depression; to mope. [musick]

l) the seed linings of a pomegranate. [WO’N] Faldage

m) a tendency to protein deficiency associated with particular lymphatic disorders, found mainly among some peoples from the Indian sub-continent. [maverick] sjmaxq

n) Egyptian term for sloth, esp. in government bureaucracy adopted into English during the colonial period as a word to describe the byzantine complexity of bureaucratic decision-making and the glacial speed at which government decisions are made. [Capfka] dxb

o) a type of thieves’ argot or back-slang developed in the Chicago stockyards and much used in the early 19th C; the final letter was removed and placed at the front of the word preceded by a randomly chosen vowel. -- the true name for the argot would thus have been Grig or Gryg and is thought to be a corruption of Greek, the idea deriving from the expression “it’s all Greek to me”. [dxb] Asp

p) dialect a particularly treacherous Icelandic terrain consisting of small, weathered bits of lava overlying the sharper, sloped lava bed from which they have been detached. [ElizabethC] etaoin, Jackie, Capfka, Bingley

1. this was a very close call, what with ‘real’ votes, partial votes, and a scoring system gone bad; so here’s attaboys to Zed, Faldage & EC, and everyone else too (I think everything got at least a mention except for #s g & h – great round!
2. besides, points don’t matter AND Y’ALL WERE STUMPED (and several of you liked #i, but went for the scoring play, thank you very much).
3. #d sounds (to me) like a bluff for aggry.
4. special callout to Bingley for his hard-word bluff and highly predictable results

until next time, I remain
-joe (got my iggri on) hogmaster