"the tension between the microscopic and macroscopic worlds" - the brane drain?

A World of Her Own
Financial Times, Friday, July 8, 2005


These days, Randall’s work is among the most frequently cited in all of science. She is in the vanguard of an exciting new era in theoretical physics, whose leading lights are exploring the fundamental structures of matter, and trying to explain connections between what is seen at the tiniest scales of quantum mechanics and the largest dimensions of cosmology.

Her work suggests that extra dimensions in space that are invisible to us - but no less real for all that - might be infinite, provided that space is warped in the right way.

It also suggests that space-time might be arranged on structures called branes (think membranes) that can be thought of as parallel universes. Our entire three-dimensional universe might be contained on one of many branes. The world that surrounds us could be a three-dimensional slice of a cosmos with many more dimensions.
