I agree with you all and would like to buy a round of beers. That is if the use of "round" is not offensive to obese persons...

On politcal correctness in general: I believe there is a reasonable middle ground for adults, where decorum is the rule but is not enforced with a battle axe. There will always be overly-prudish people, just as there will always be coarse and vulgar people. Somewhere along the way, we have begun catering to the wishes of the overly-sensitive. The state of being offended has been elevated to some weird plane that makes no sense. Sometimes the offended party is wrong to be offended, or at least a little uptight. To take an extreme example for purposes of illustration, an avowed racist might be offended to share a table with a person of another race, or to see an interracial couple kissing. We give no credence to their feelings in these situations (and rightly so).

A real life example: my father is a retired professor of fine art. One of his graduates went on to get an MFA, and in the course of doing that she taught some classes in drawing and painting to undergraduates. One such class was life drawing, in which students learn to draw the human form by working in a studio with nude models. One prudish student, who expected to earn a bachelor's degree in fine arts, objected to having to draw a nude model. Over the protests of the graduate student teaching the class, the university made a special allowance for the girl so she could do separate work in human drawing without drawing nude models. IMO this is improper on fairly self-evident grounds so I'll stop there.