Faldage asked me, in the "Tat" thread
where's your bar set for wordicity?

I'm always thinking about that, because some new words delight me, and some annoy me.
Roughly, I suppose, my criteria are these:
A new word should fill a gap. I like the word "diss" because it covers "dismiss" and "disparage". It's a nice, neat, short, aurally-appropriate verb.
A new word should be clearly defined. The user should be able to say what it means without resorting to the phrase "you know what I mean?".
I dislike the widespread application of jargon outside its appropriate field. I don't "make hard copy", I write things down. I will allow you to "access" a file on my computer, but you can only have access to my library. I really, really dislike the use of mechanical/computer jargon applied to human beings or other living things.

Other modifiers to the bar may occur to me, but those will do for a start.