
It never ceases to amaze me just how many words there are in this arena. I've always had a hard time imagining these brilliant minds' slaving away over tiny little nuances of expression. I never took any courses in rhetoric, and a small part of me recoils at the very thought of it, as it seems at times stultifying.

BTW I loved the tiny irony of the grammatical error in:

"For Dr. Frist to make a statement like that — it's like me making an off-the-cuff statement about a heart transplant patient,"

And when first I read the quote, I missed the Dr. in front of Frist and was flummoxed for a second or two trying to figure out the connection between our politician Bill Frist and heart transplants.

Frist is the man who took over as the Majority Leader in the senate after Trent Lott was deposed. I made a auip at the time that this was preordained in the Bible, because

That which was Lott's shall be Frist's.