Jackie's reference is to a web journal kept by a woman named Michael who is married to a Swedish fellow. She explains her choice of a title for her web journal as follows:

"The title is based on one of my favorite Swedish idioms. These idioms (like those of many languages) often sound ridiculous when translated word-for-word into English. "Jag anar ugglor i mossen" translates into "I sense owls in the moss." It means that something feels "wrong"-- it's that "can't put my finger on it" intuitive sense that something isn't quite right. I hope you won't "sense owls in the moss" here, too often, because we're fairly open and above-board <g>, but because I like the sound of the phrase, I stubbornly insist upon using it. So, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the content of this journal. My sincere apologies to all you owl-lovers out there. ;o)"