> By the middle of this century perhaps all Europeans will have become predominantly English-speaking

Très optimistique et très absurde, Bärchen:-)

> the only language that makes sense in the context of the information age.

The percentage of the internet which is in English has been dropping steadily for quite some time now. Should digital translation even nearly meet HGTTG-expectations then the 'information age' will be a native lingo affair.

There seems to be an increased interest in multi-lingual speakers in Europe (e.g. mushy English and at least two side-languages, please). Seems to me English is being spread ever thinner amongst more and more people who know just a little. Thus English forfeits some of its international standing as a language, despite its extraordinary dominance. It's the Windows of languages; a generous and nebulous bastardisation of imported works blanketed upon unwitting populations through economic and political tactics.