could you please answer these questions--

what is the connection between truth and 'barnyard explitives'?

What does a discussion about the nature of truth (and/or truth vs bullsh*t, i.e.Lies) have to do with the Questions (and answers) about Words?

Am i correct in thinking the subject is philosophical?
Is Truth vs lies the subject you would like to discuss?

or am i wrong?
do you want to discuss the term 'barnyard explitives?
Why do you think a philisophical discussion belongs under the Topic Q & A about Words, and not under some other topic?

i asked these questions (perhaps not as clearly) in my first post, and again, again,in my second post.
perhaps i was not clear enough, either time.

do you understand my questions? i am asking you to clarify what you think, because i do not understand the topic is, and i can not discuss what i don't understand.

at no point in this thread did i ask you to leave.

perhaps you might take some time to explain how my asking questions, asking you to clarifiy your thoughts, and to clarify what is is you would like to discuss, and my stating my feelings is a diatribe or feuding.

my feeling is, once again, it is rude for you, (or anyone) to post statement that claim to know what i am thinking, or feeling. I retain the absolute right to express my thoughts and feelings.