i am the only one who finds it rude?

you know, when someone who really doesn't know you (or doesn't really know a celebrity) persist in using your name (or the celebrities name) to convey an relationship, when one doesn't really exist..

Well, i was in DC last week, and stopped into the white house, and GEORGE and i got to talking.
(yeah, right, last week, when you were a parent/chaperone for the 8th grade trip, and went on a paid tour of the whitehouse...oh, and GEORGE? he's the bus driver)

I tend to read thread flat-- i occational go to threaded mode to clarify a responce, but 99% of the time i read threaded.

i try to post my replies threaded--that is, i use the respond 'button' on the corner of a specific post. i will sometimes copy (color) and paste a bit of the post i am responding to, (to make it clear to other flat mode readers) which post i am responding to.

i don't generally name drop. I rarely address faldage, or annastrophic, or mav(well, i flirt with mav when ever possible, but that has nothing to do with name dropping!)or anyone else, specifically in a post.

i don't think i am unique in this behavior. its seems very few posters do.

i don't much like name dropping. i think it is rude, and deceptive. its used as an attempt to convey a close personal relationship exist, when none does.