well this was to be expected, right?! : )

..the people muddied,
Thick and and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers
For good Polonius' death, and we have done but greenly
In hugger-mugger to inter him..

Samuel Johnson complained that texts of his day rendered " in hugger-mugger" as "in private" (maybe it had better be "in secret"). he went on to write:

In reply to:

That the words now replaced are better, I do not undertake to prove; it is sufficient that they are Shakespeare's: If phraseology is to be changed as words grow uncouth by disuse, or gross by vulgarity, the history of every language will be lost; we shall no longer have the words of any authour; and as these alterations will be often unskilfully made, we shall in time have very little of his meaning.

all of the online (public domain) versions read hugger-mugger, as does my Complete Works hardcopy; and there is lots of exegesis to be found.

is there any reason, at this far remove, to be publishing "translated" versions of Shakespeare?