-heimer is apparently a common German name ending (e.g., Oppenheimer) meaning someone from the home of... wiseheimer/wisenheimer/weisenheimer <> wiseacre, wise guy

In the first ed. of Mencken (1919), he wrote, Several years ago -heimer had a great vogue in slang, and was rapidly done to death. But wiseheimer remains in colloquial use as a facetious synonym for smart-aleck, and after awhile it may gradually acquire dignity.

bund is G. for association or league. in English, OED2 has..
A league, confederacy, or association; spec. (a) the confederation of German states; (b) a Jewish Social Democratic workers' organization in Eastern Europe, founded in 1897; (c) U.S., an American pro-Nazi organization founded in 1936.

given this history, use of Bund/bund itself is fraught with some peril.