Today's AW-WAD is:

riprap (RIP-rap) noun

1. A protective foundation, embankment, etc. made of loose chunks of stones placed together.

2. Material used for such a construction.

verb tr.

To construct, or strengthen with, a riprap.

[Reduplication of rap.]

Anu's sample usage today uses the word "riprap" metaphorically as in "political riprap", as follows:

Access to Everett's waterfront has been blocked by railroad tracks, asphalt and political riprap, said Peggy

Personally, I'm not so sure "political riprap" is the same kind of riprap we're rapping about today. Political riprap is small talk - I can go along with that - but small talk won't shore up your foundation if a storm is coming your way. A politician will give you a lot of small talk but precious little riprap when you actually need it.

A lot of folks say politicians get a bad rap. But a lot more say it isn't half bad enough.

That's the real reason they call a politician's small talk riprap.

BTW riprap is also known as "rubble". And the ricochet word for "rubble" is "rumble". So when I say "Let's get ready to rumble!", who do you think of? Michel Buffer*? Wrong Answer! Roberto "Manos de Piedra" Duran.

So you could call riprap "Duran" for short 'cause it's a fistful of rock -- but never make the mistake of calling Roberto "riprap". He might think it's a rap. And then rip-rap, you're in bad shape. If you were in bad shape to begin with, you can pretty much call it a wrap. 'Cause they're gonna be playing "last taps" for you, for sure.**

He [Duran] was nicknamed Manos de Piedra (Hands of Stone). A popular legend is that Duran, as a youngster, knocked out a horse with one punch. This legend contrasts with a famous personal side of Duran: He is also a well known animal lover.

* "Let's get ready to rumble"

** Last Taps:

Day is done
Gone the sun
From the hills
From the plains
From the sky
All is well
Safely rest
God is nigh.

And who can resist, on this final note, to say "Good night, Johnny" [to quote themilum] to the King of Late Nite RipRap: Johnny Carson